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est un pouvoir !
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Améliorer vos ventes ? Devenir paperless ?
Booster votre productivité ?
Votre carrière de super héros commence ici.
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1 Niyas Raphy
Niyas Raphy
Docteur 78601 xp
2 Sudhir Arya (ERP Harbor Consulting Services)
Sudhir Arya (ERP Harbor Consulting Services)
Docteur 62104 xp
3 Cybrosys Techno Solutions Pvt.Ltd
Cybrosys Techno Solutions Pvt.Ltd
Docteur 54376 xp
4 Yenthe Van Ginneken (Mainframe Monkey)
Yenthe Van Ginneken (Mainframe Monkey)
Docteur 42085 xp
5 Avinash Nk
Avinash Nk
Docteur 40089 xp
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Cours les plus populaires

Accounting and Invoicing
Getting Started
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Nouveaux cours

SmartClass- Inventory v17
Odoo 17 Certification
Odoo 17 Certification
  • The exam will cover the following subjects: Website, eCommerce, Survey, Marketing, CRM, Sales, Purchases, Project, Timesheet, Accounting, Inventory, MRP, HR, Spreadsheet, POS and Studio.
  • You’ll have 1.5 hours to complete this 120-questions exam.
  • You must score (at least) 70% to PASS.
  • Each CORRECT answer is worth 1 point.
  • Each WRONG answer will cost you ½ point.
  • Each UNANSWERED question is worth 0 point.

Icône de certification

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