
Stripe is a United States-based online payment solution provider, allowing businesses to accept credit cards and other payment methods.

Fill in your credentials

In case your API Credentials are required to connect with your Stripe account, these are the credentials that must be completed:

  • Publishable Key: The key solely used to identify the account with Stripe.

  • Secret Key: The key to sign the merchant account with Stripe.

  • Webhook Signing Secret: When you enable your webhook on your Stripe account, this signing secret must be set to authenticate the messages sent from Stripe to Odoo.

To retrieve the publishable and secret keys, follow this link to your API keys, or log into your Stripe dashboard and go to Developers ‣ API Keys ‣ Standard Keys.

Generate a webhook

In case your Webhook Signing Secret is required to connect with your Stripe account, you can create a webhook either automatically or manually.

Make sure your Publishable and Secret keys are filled in, then click on the Generate your Webhook button.

See also