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1 الرد
765 أدوات العرض

Hey, I have a problem with the register form on my Odoo online website.

I am using a dark template, but with the 'register' form of the event page of the website, it does not work. The text changes to white, but the background stays the same. This ends up in a mess that you can see in the image below. Everything is white, and I cannot change it without changing the template.

Is there someone who has a solution for this annoying problem?

الصورة الرمزية

facing the same issue. did you find a workaround yet?


Hi, Jordy!
I can't see your attached image, Kindly upload it again.
By the way, Have you found the solution? Thanks in advance!!

الكاتب أفضل إجابة

Hello, I have not found an answer, only more problems. And since it takes months before customer support responds, we have decided to move away from Odoo. It was not a sustainable long-term solution for us.

الصورة الرمزية